Thursday, 1 March 2012

Final Digipak - Panels 1 and 2 Construction

I designed panels 1 and 2 at the same time for this idea. The reason for this is that I think they need to flow nicely together as they are both on view (eg on a store shelf) and because when the digipak is opened they can be seen together.

For this idea I wanted to include a black and white theme to the piece. This was because this colour scheme is a common trait in digipaks of the same genre (examples to the right). I also wanted to include the idea of the dove images but with less focus given to them and more on images of the band itself.

Firstly, we produced a penciled sketch of what we wanted it to finally look like. This pencil sketch acted as a guide throughout the creation of the panels and although many things were changed up to the finished products, the resemblance is still visible to it.

We used an image that included all of the band members looking at the camera. We played around with a few different photos but we decided to keep with one using the same layout as in our plan. We chose this one as the photo was well shot, the band members looked well set up and it fit on the panel in a way that allowed us to create a good composition.

After cutting out the photo and positioning it, I added the band's name and the title of the album. I used the same graphics that I'd already made for my other album cover designs so this was a simple task.

Next, I added the doves. These were also taken from some of my previous designs as I could easily access the doves, one by one by selecting the individual layers for each one. I then used cmd+T to transform each dove into the position and size that I wanted. Originally on the sketch we'd planned to have the doves above the band members but when I tried it on the final draft, it didn't look very good as the band members already took up most of the cover and moving them down looked odd. Instead, I put the doves on top of the band members. This effect worked well and we decided to leave it like that.

For the back cover, in order to keep with the conventions of other CDs, we had to include a contents list for the songs that appear on the album. We already had the name for our album, 'Letting Go', so we had to choose songs that work well with that title so that it can be justified. Luckily, most song titles are vague and may not even make sense so this was not a difficult task. I used the same font as what I used on the album title and band name on the front cover. This was to promote a synergising look across the digipak.

After the contents were made I positioned them to the side of the panel in the same way as the sketch. The next part that I had to work on was the copyright text. I looked at a number of existing CDs to see what kind of information appears in this section and wrote an appropriate passage for our particular song and band.
I then found the company logos for each of the companies involved in the product and placed them on the cover.

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