Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Digipak Designs - Vector Imaging

Now that we have the photos from the our secondary shooting time I have begun to put some more digipak ideas together including some interesting artistic designs.

I wanted to experiment with an artistic style called vector imaging. Since I had not tried anything like this before I decided to make the first cover using a non-human image. After looking through some pictures that we took at our second shooting I chose to use a picture of the lead singer's guitar. I chose this picture as I thought I could make an interesting effect with it looking like it continues into infinity.

To make these images is fairly simple really. The only equipment I used were background images and a few simple Photoshop tools. Firstly, the background images were cut out and altered using adjustment filters to look bright and vibrant. After that I began to select areas of block colour with the polygonal lasso tool and fill them with the fill tool using colours taken from the background image. Most of the image is done in this way giving the image its cartoony look. I made a few changes to the final image that weren't on the original such as the shines both on the lower left of the guitar and on the black plug of the guitar.

In the end, we decided not to go with these style of designs for the digipak as it doesn't effectively reflect the genre of music that we are trying to promote.

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