Thursday, 24 November 2011

Learning Final Cut

We first planned that I would be involved with the editing of the music video. To this end I began to learn how to use Final Cut Pro. I used a combination of video tutorials and a book called 'Final Cut Express, Video Editing for the Digital Enthusiast' to learn some basic video editing techniques that would be necessary for the completion of the storyboard and eventually, the video itself. I learned how to:
  • Insert video clips and audio onto the timeline and move them around
  • Insert and manipulate text onto the video
  • Insert and manipulate video transitions
  • Render the clips
After a while, however, we decided that as I would be in charge of much of the ancillary task work someone else could be working on the editing since we'll be doing both tasks at the same time. I have taught my team mate, Jamie everything that I've learned so that he can take over as chief editor.

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